Pretty simple and basic. But something I saw pinned on Pinterest was a container in the fridge (and/or cupboard) of healthy snacks to grab. Doesn't take long to do and put together and then nice to have them throughout the week. Even nice for callen to be able to go to and grab. I'll have to keep changing the options as carrots and celery don't go over too well with him. Grapes, yes though:)
Thursday, January 30, 2014
I've been wanting to try and make my own lotion. Once again, another thing I used to/still do, just grab off the shelf in the store not taking thought to what's actually in the bottle. Then proceed to smear it all over my body. Anyways,
This one is using cocoa butter, shea butter, coconut oil and olive oil. I did 2tbl spoons of each. Melt them all in a double boiler, let cool then whip with a mixer. It's pretty nice!! Resembles butter which makes sense using those butters and oils. And then the cocoa scent makes it hard not to eat it! I might try a different recipe next time. It leaves your skin shiny and smooth.
These cookies have chick peas, peanut butter, honey, baking powder, vanilla and chocolate chips. They turned out good, I was a little surprised;)
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
My 30th
We had planned to go to Ashley and Steve's for the day. Dave and Lauren were going to meet there as well. Little did I know!!! When I walked in rachelle, Aj and Riley popped around the corner saying surprise! I was shockedd. Still am:) what an awesome surprise and birthday. Can't believe she drove all the way to nj for the day!! Left at 6 am and didn't get home til 12am! Thank you sis, I appreciate it more than you know. The best birthday ever.
Roommate Ashley lives real close to steve and ash so she ended up stopping by!!
They stole my phone while I was upstairs with maelyn. :)
Love this girl!!!! I mean, who doesn't?!!!
I have some sweet friends. So glad Lauren and Dave were there too!
:) so thankful for a fun and memorable birthday!!!! xoxo to you all!!
Roommate Ashley lives real close to steve and ash so she ended up stopping by!!
They stole my phone while I was upstairs with maelyn. :)
Love this girl!!!! I mean, who doesn't?!!!
I have some sweet friends. So glad Lauren and Dave were there too!
:) so thankful for a fun and memorable birthday!!!! xoxo to you all!!
Thank you shell, Aj and Riley for driving all that way!!! And thanks to ash for hosting:)
Friday, January 24, 2014
He is my little nugget. I love him so much. Even the days and moments he tests my patience beyond reason. I can't imagine my life without him. He really is like a little friend, even at 3 years old. These cold winter months can be tough on a mama!! Being inside all day. But we are getting through:)
Yes, he still has his pacifier. And the "only for bed rule" hasn't been strictly enforced lately. I blame the cold weather. And my extreme tiredness. He's not going to have it forever. He loves that thing. And gets so emotional and sad whenever I talk to him about him getting rid of it. His little lip starts to quiver, it's sad. I'm not worried, we'll get there. And for now, I am going to cherish these moments of him still being little. It goes by too quick. Those who want to judge can judge away;) we are in the process though, have no fear.
So, we were in the grocery store, I was looking at freezer bags and I look and callen is next to me with two fly swatters in his hands saying what are these??? I explained what they were and he got all excited. Can we buy them?? I told him he could pick one. After all, the sign did say 10/$10. Really? I thought it was interesting they chose ten to intise people to buy them. Anyways, he has had fun going around killing bugs. Not really sure there's actually been any real bugs. And not really sure what I was thinking with letting him get this weapon! Haha:)Strawberry cake
Tuesday night it was snowing out, so I thought it'd be appropriate to bake something. I had seen a recipe on Pinterest for a fresh strawberry yogurt cake. I had just gotten a big container of strawberries at Costco, so I had to try the recipe out. Wow. Sooooo good. Warm out of the oven? It was hard for all of us to not eat the whole cake in one sitting.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Crocheted things
Ashley is so talented with crocheting. She made this headband and boots for maelyn. And a hat for callen, scarf and gloves for me! Thanks ash!:)
We had a fun Saturday with Steve ashley and Olivia. Always love getting together with them. I love that they live closer now!
Ashley told me about homemade bronzer, so we tried it:) cinnamon, arrowroot powder (or corn starch)
Ashley told me about homemade bronzer, so we tried it:) cinnamon, arrowroot powder (or corn starch)
I started Maelyn on solids. Wanted to wait til 6 months with her or at least close. She is doing so well! She is defintiely ready for this new stage. She wasn't too sure what to think of the avocado...but she ate it! She was more concerned with the spoon and bib. She kind of cringed at the end of the bowl;) now she's doing better with it though. And she loves sweet potatoes. We're gradually introducing everything.

Callen loves to help me bake. On our list for Wednesday was jjs birthday cake. Callen was excited to taste test the batter!
Finished product. Yum! It turned out good!!
Dave and lauren were heading out to pa to visit his family. So we ended up heading out there too last minute. Always a fun time getting together with them. And Dave's mom is an amazing cook. Whatever she serves is so good and gourmet. She is an artist as her profession, and it shows through the way she cooks and serves food. So fun being a part of that.
Dave and lauren love our kids!!! They are so sweet with them.
The boys went down to the lake for some ice fishing. Callen had fun!
Chad wanted a coffee for the ride home, and krispies Kreme is right before the highway entrance. Perfect;) the signs light was on too which means hot donuts. Soooo good. Hard to only have one!
Dave and lauren love our kids!!! They are so sweet with them.
The boys went down to the lake for some ice fishing. Callen had fun!
Chad wanted a coffee for the ride home, and krispies Kreme is right before the highway entrance. Perfect;) the signs light was on too which means hot donuts. Soooo good. Hard to only have one!
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