Saturday, February 15, 2014


am loving my chalkboard. 
And I am loving the little banners me and callen made. 
Well, he painted one square and was done with it. I was surprised. 
But I didn't mind since I enjoy that kind of stuff. 
I found a little tutorial on a blog so wanted to try it. 

You just take watercolor/marker paper, cut squares then make the pennant shape. 
Take some of the hearts you cut out and tape them to the middle. Then paint water colors over them.
When they dry take the hearts off. Punch little holes in the corner and put twine or yarn through them! 
And there you have it!:) 

I found some pom poms in a bin so threaded them with some doubled up thread. So easy and so cute!

We had a little valentines party. Christian and Aoife were supposed to join us. But it ended up being Jen, Annie and jack~ we had so much fun. 
This was supposed to be cuter. I saw it on Pinterest in a cute bag with a cute little print out. But we improvised:) Annie was so happy since these are her favorite:) 
I made an overnight French toast bake. It was SO good. I forgot to sprinkle powdered sugar on the top when it came out of the oven. Oh well, it was delicious anyways. 

1 comment:

rachellechaseblog said...

i love that chalkboard and the banners!!!! so amazing. pin those up! and that party and food looks so fun and good! you're the best!